The Cafe for Contemporary Art (CAFCA) is an organization dedicated to excellence whether its providing some of the best coffee on the North Shore (49th Parallel need I say more) or serving healthy and delicious tacos (I'd argue some of the best tacos on the North Shore, and I'd be happy to debt anyone about it) and all the staff are dedicated at providing a friendly atmosphere for customers to enjoy their meals.
CAFCA also features an art gallery which is adjacent to the cafe's entrance and is free for viewing during the cafe's hours. Exhibits are regularly shown within the galley space, and currently an amazing artist Dirk Fleischmann is being featured in the space, you can follow the link to learn more or better yet come by in person to check it out
Ever since CAFCA's inception, Tyler Russell has worked tirelessly to making the cafe a facilitator for community and cultural activities, and without his help and dedication the More Fun Alley Association and the tire garden wouldn't have been possible. Thank you Tyler.